Thursday, March 25, 2010


On day 4 we arrived at Nanjing. The city walls are still standing in parts of this old city. We went to the museum to read up on the infamous Nanjing massacre by the Japanese army. 300,000 Chinese civilians were butchered mercilessly by the Japanese army in 1937. Until today the Japanese people have not owned up to committing this war crime. At the museum I could see all the documentary proofs of the period. Unfortunately, they do not allow cameras inside the museum. Here is a video on You Tube.
Many Chinese today firmly believe that the recent earthquakes in Fukushima, Japan was God's punishment for the atrocities committed by the Japanese soldiers during the last war. They are being punished for denying that they have murdered so many innocent civilians and have even gone as far as to rewrite all the Japanese history text books used in schools. Present day Japanese children no longer know about these war atrocities committed by 

the Japanese Imperial army in China, Burma and other parts of South East Asia. They tried to erase history and that is wrong, bushido or not bushido!
One thing I do not understand about Nagasaki and Hiroshima is this. The Americans dropped the atomic nuclear bombs on these 2 cities to stop the second world war. Why is it that these two cities have been rebuilt so soon and yet the place is no longer radio active? 
The half life of radioactive uranium 235 was supposed to last for over a hundred years and yet these 2 Japanese cities today are thriving and full of people living there just 60 years after the atomic explosions?! What is even stranger is that many people around the world are now saying that Fukushima will also suffer the same fate as Chernobyl and will become uninhabitable for at least a hundred years!

Either our scientists cannot count or they are not telling us the truth. Political correctness may have something to do with people trying to change what is the truth, whether scientific or historical. The other well known attempt to change history is some people saying that the Nazis did not kill Jews during WW2. We all know that they did and they are ashame of it.
Both the Nanking massacre (Japanese killing 300,000 Chinese civilians) and the Jewish Holocaust (Germans killing 6 millions Jewish civilians) have been very well documented. Denying that these shameful incidences were historical facts will not make them go away. Efforts should be made to ensure that atrocities like these are publicized so that they can never be repeated ever again.

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